Monday, April 27, 2009

EVO - The Smart Console of the Future

A small, independent company is making big waves in a turbulent economy. Envizions Computer Entertainment Corporation has recently unveiled its much debated consumer and environment friendly gaming console. Earlier this month Derrick Samuells was stated, in regards to the Smart Console, "EVO is a project that has taken five years of work and dedication." The console is known popularly as the EVO Smart Console and launched its beta testing debut on April 1, 2009. The staff at Envizions is confident in their efforts, calling their system "The New Generation of the Gaming Industry". The company strives to provide reliable customer support and the highest level of quality by giving all the new buyers peace of mind protection on the beta models. After all the hype, the facts were still very questionable.

After doing some testing personally, I found the companies claims of convergence and customer support to be absolutely true. The usability of the console was a pleasant surprise; with its straightforward interface and commonsense setup anyone can make worthwhile use of this very Smart Console. The EVO is a system that combines a PC and a game console into one incredibly savvy entertainment console. It is incredibly light weight, and is virtually noiseless. It has enhanced overall performance due to advanced internal hardware and software. The games do not come in standard CD form like other consoles, but instead on a much smaller, much faster, SD card. Due to its Open Source nature there is a very long list of free games and desktop applications that can be downloaded to the console, and I'm told there will always be upgrades and patches for those free downloads. Every feature about the Smart Console can only get better and will. I spoke with several of the companies executives such as Chief Technical Officer Chris McInnish. He had this to say of the budding entertainment device, "We provide a great system which possesses unlimited possibilities because it is Open Source".

Although the company may seem like a small fish, they are definitely stirring conversation in the chat room portion of the internet as well as popular blogging sites such as Twitter, MySpace, and Face book. In fact, in their local region EVO Smart Consoles are already being purchased daily just through their personal office. Search Music Lyrics. The EVO has very advanced technology preprogrammed into it such as voice, facial, and fingerprint recognition. One accessory in particular caught my attention; this USB sized feature is a biometric fingerprint recognition device that will allow consumers to use their fingerprint to access restricted areas on their personal device, instead of the tedious and time consuming password method.

This feature also offers protection to the costumer by making the system security impenetrable due to the impossibility of duplicating the fingerprint. During a conversation with the Director of Operations and Business Development Terrence Johnson, he commented "Our goal at Envizions is to expand and merge multiple devices into one unit." The company is in the process of beta testing and is continuously contributing code to the system. The attitude at Envizions is bright and seems to be full of excitement. The EVO Smart Console, being the first to combine a PC, DVR, Gaming Hub, Cloud, and Internet into one unit, will create quite a stir in the industry forums as they strive to make their product better during the current and coming weeks. They plan to continue working diligently towards better applications as well as creating new, free updates for the console.

I learned a lot about Envizions and in my estimation, with their do-all attitude; they are a rising star in the entertainment community. They seem to take real pride in costumer support as well as user friendly products. I have been made a believer, I believe in the EVO and in what Envizions is doing as a company. Download Free MP3 is necessary.I do recommend them for further evaluation by the public and will be personally purchasing an EVO for myself in the near future. This is a giant step for the community of technology and gaming industries.

My name is DeLaney Gibbs and I write about many things. I do understand that most independent journalist do make that statement but you will see in my articles to come versatility should have been my middle name. I generally write under my own name but I also have a Pseudonym, Isica star. I am a hands on journalist and like to do investigating hands on for my articles to ensure their accuracy. I have had many articles published under both of my author titles and look forward to sharing more of my writing with you. Hope you enjoy the writing of tomorrow today by yours truly, DeLaney. Happy reading!

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